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Which font do you like?

We’re working on the cover for Perfume Island and there are 3,592,128 fonts to choose from. However I’ve whittled them down to six – which one do you prefer? Perhaps not exactly that one but something like it. Bearing in mind it won’t be black but red. Your votes are precious! Many thanks! And doubly grateful for reblogs – the more votes the better. ๐Ÿ˜„

sunset beachย  ย  1Painted Lady2odin rounded3cm tropical4Caviar Dreams5black sand6



23 thoughts on “Which font do you like?”

        1. Yes, I think we’ll follow Alba’s idea – it’s all about brand creation. Which of course I never gave a thought to when starting out. Thanks for your input, Harriet.

  1. Ooh, I’m a typography junkie! I couldn’t possibly choose out of your 6 coz I have another 15 in mind you could use!
    But in terms of continuity you should use the same font as you did on your first book as Perfume Island is a sequel….

  2. In addition to the great suggestions that I liked above, I would also—sorry to be so niggling, Curtis—like to see an author statement (needn’t be long) of what overall the book is to convey. I guess that’s the best way to put it. Could be your 30-second elevator speech, too, if you wanted. Then I can probably make a more informed vote. But, when in doubt (and even when not), I always defer to the expertise of a graphic designer, like Alba10 above. Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful (yet)! Happy writing and graphic design. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Not niggling at all, Leigh – common sense! I’m working on the blurb right now as well – these things are almost as difficult as the book itself. Your comment, on the contrary, is very helpful – many thanks!

  3. Pingback: Our Rainy Journey

  4. Hi Curtis, how have you been? need a lot to catch up on your site..just bought one green bottle, actually had read the first chapter and it kept me intrigued. Will start reading on kindle now, cant wait !

    1. Nice to hear from you, Subhendu! And many thanks for getting One Green Bottle. Have you had time to assemble your A-Z stories? Some were stand alone, I think, others a mini-series, is that right?

      1. yes Curtis, I have to start on that, need your help and guidance. I plan to write a few more short stories and hopefully publish. Would you be able to provide me some guidance? Would appreciate if you can email me at

        And I started OGB, the first chapter of OGB was gripping! am intrigued …

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