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The Book a Break anthologies Cat Tales (2016), With Our Eyes Open (2017) and Second Taste (2018) now exist in a single scintillating volume.

83 Short Stories selected from submissions to the Book a Break short story competition over three years.

Quirky, sad, dramatic, funny, philosophical... the complete Book a Break collection has it all.

Get your copy now - and help to defeat malaria.

To receive your copy of these 83 stories download your copy here in the format of your choice.

You may then donate as little or as much as you want to the Against Malaria Foundation 

If you forward their thank you message to curtis.bausse(at), I will also send you the Magali Rousseau mystery book of your choice.

Why malaria? Learn more here.

The Rabbit Hole is a yearly anthology of weird stories selected from submissions to The Writers' Co-op.



From galaxies to ghouls, viruses to voles, zwitterions to zawns, weirdness abounds. It comes in many forms, some best to avoid, others a joy to behold. Weirdness is part of the fabric of life, the very fact that anything exists at all.

Perhaps because it is everywhere, there's no specific literary genre weird. The closest we find is speculative, but the aim there is different, and it doesn't capture the sound and the fury, the pandemonium and mystery all around us.

At the Writers Co-op, we established The Rabbit Hole to give weirdness an anthology of its own. As befits the ubiquity of it, the texts here explore a wide variety of situations and settings, from the outer reaches of space to the darkest nooks and crannies of the human mind.

Fiction perhaps, but who can say that what you'll find in these pages isn't already happening? Because when you stop to ponder it, don't we all, every day, do six impossible things before breakfast?

The Rabbit Hole Volume Zero

The Rabbit Hole Volume One

The Rabbit Hole Volume Two

 The Rabbit Hole Volume Three

The Rabbit Hole Volume Four