I is for Immediate
Number 9 in The A to Z of the Writer’s Affliction, part of the A to Z blogging challenge. Tidy the desk? Make a cup of coffee? Check my emails? How many of us succumb… I is for Immediate
Number 9 in The A to Z of the Writer’s Affliction, part of the A to Z blogging challenge. Tidy the desk? Make a cup of coffee? Check my emails? How many of us succumb… I is for Immediate
Number 8 in The A to Z of the Writer’s Affliction, part of the A to Z blogging challenge. No affliction today, but flash fiction. A couple in fact, transposed from my previous blog, both in… H is for Hello
Number 7 in The A to Z of the Writer’s Affliction, part of the A to Z blogging challenge. I was recently contacted by one of my readers, Algernon Worth, who not having a… G is for Ghost Writer
Number 5 in The A to Z of the Writer’s Affliction, part of the A to Z blogging challenge. Writers are readers too, and like all readers, they like to get as full an experience… E is for Experiencing
Number 4 in The A to Z of the Writer’s Affliction, part of the A to Z blogging challenge. ‘How’s the novel coming on?’ enquired Miranda timidly, staring at her shoes. Whenever she met Arnold… D is for Dialogue
To kick off my series, the A to Z of the Writer’s Affliction, I’m very pleased to start with the letter A. It could have been Author, Anxiety or Amazon, but no, I’ve gone for… A is for Agent
Rosine and Bacar of the madrassati (debaa group) Toyaria, pose in their salouvas. One thing leads to another… Way back last March, I wrote a post about Mayotte for Clara Wiggins, author of The Expat… Discovering the debaa
Now, when you imagine me (which of course you often do), you no doubt see me sitting at the computer eight or nine hours a day, taking just the occasional break to eat, stretch or… Yes, he has a life!
I’ve just more or less closed down my other blog, Journey of a Blogvelist, and invited followers to join me over here. So by way of a welcome gift to those of you kind enough… An adaptable story
Most disappointing. I undertook a trip to a game reserve with my dear wife, Gladys, in order to see animals. Now, I wouldn’t want anyone to misconceive that we didn’t see any – we did. We… G. Rumpy's Travel Tips: Safari