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D is for Dialogue

Number 4 in The A to Z of the Writer’s Affliction, part of the A to Z blogging challenge. ‘How’s the novel coming on?’ enquired Miranda timidly, staring at her shoes. Whenever she met Arnold… D is for Dialogue

A is for Agent

To kick off my series, the A to Z of the Writer’s Affliction, I’m very pleased to start with the letter A. It could have been Author, Anxiety or Amazon, but no, I’ve gone for… A is for Agent

Discovering the debaa

Rosine and Bacar of the madrassati (debaa group) Toyaria, pose in their salouvas.  One thing leads to another… Way back last March, I wrote a post about Mayotte for Clara Wiggins, author of The Expat… Discovering the debaa

Yes, he has a life!

Now, when you imagine me (which of course you often do), you no doubt see me sitting at the computer eight or nine hours a day, taking just the occasional break to eat, stretch or… Yes, he has a life!

An adaptable story

I’ve just more or less closed down my other blog, Journey of a Blogvelist, and invited followers to join me over here. So by way of a welcome gift to those of you kind enough… An adaptable story

Cheese in the Roots

Have you ever read a roman de terroir? Or even better, written one? How do you even translate that? There’s no English equivalent for terroir, which is why you come across so many different translations:… Cheese in the Roots