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Z is for Zero

Well, guess what? I didn’t get to Provence after all. I must have got into the wrong bag or the wrong queue, but I ended up in Madagascar! The flight was very long and I… Z is for Zero

Y is for Ystwyth

That’s the river Ystwyth, which flows into the sea at Aberystwyth. It chose that spot because ‘aber’ means ‘mouth’ in Welsh, though not the sort you eat gizzards with. I’ve never been to Aberystwyth but… Y is for Ystwyth

X is for Xavier

Apart from having a name that begins with X, Xavier isn’t an interesting person at all. But he does indirectly lead to Cat Tales, the anthology drawn from last year’s Book a Break short story… X is for Xavier

V is for VIP

Specifically, the VIP wheelie bin store where meetings are held every Monday night, attended by the Stealthy Six: Felix, Tom, Missy, Cinnamon, Bamboo and Tiger. In The Postal Code Cats, Olivia Templeton’s story in Cat Tales,… V is for VIP

S is for Step

A doorstep in fact. In a village in Crete, which is where Maria sits and waits in The Cretan Cat, Yvonne Payne’s story in Cat Tales, the anthology drawn from last year’s Book a Break short… S is for Step

R is for Rover

One of a writer’s tricks, I’ve learnt, is to defy expectations. You think Rover’s a dog? Aha! Rover is the name of the cat in Waifs and Strays, Louise G. Cole’s story in story in Cat… R is for Rover

P is for Paul

Well, yesterday was a mix of outside and inside, but this one’s very much inside. In fact it stays on the sofa all the time, where Paul is in the company of two cats and… P is for Paul

O is for Outside

Your outside is in and your inside is out, according to The Beatles. Personally, I find that confusing, but they were incredibly successful so they must have known what they were talking about. One thing… O is for Outside

N is for Nile

In the beginning there was no light. There was it. Enshrouded in almost total darkness; save for the effervescent glow that emanated from it and gave it a shadowy form that was all but indistinguishable.… N is for Nile

J is for Jimmy

He caught up with me by the swings, long legs taking him across the distance in half the time mine did. But instead of teasing me further, he let me sit down and then gave… J is for Jimmy